Photography Intern Wanted!

Union Eleven is looking for a photographer to assist / second shoot at weddings in Ottawa, ON. Never photographed a wedding? Often forget to take the lens cap off? Don't worry, we can teach you! All we want is for you to have a serious passion for photography! You will be able to work with, and learn from, some of the most experienced wedding photographers in the Ottawa area.

Desired Skills: - A basic understanding of photography fundamentals - Enjoy working in fast-paced and demanding situations - Accept constructive criticism - Possess excellent verbal communication skills

As part of the Union Eleven team, you will be responsible for: -Assisting primary photographers at weddings - Taking photos - Carrying and setting up equipment - Operating a photo booth - Letting the other members of the U11 team subject you to painful (but constructive) critique sessions

If you're interested in applying, please send an email introducing yourself to

If you know someone who might be interested, please point them in our direction!


Rania + Adrien | Engaged


Sophie + Josh | Parliament Hill Engagement | Ottawa, Ontario